Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring Break Playlist

Playlists are my favorite thing to make. From finding your favorite movie soundtrack to collecting your favorite pop song. Especially when going on road trips, playlists can symbolize what feelings are associated with the trip. Along with this, the content of playlists can illustrate the personality of a specific person or group.

During my Spring Break, I had a pretty extensive playlist that I listened to. Some of the songs are listed below. The songs that are part of my Spring Break playlist either explicitly or implicitly relate to what I personally did during Spring Break.  Let’s see if you can figure it out!

1.      Work by Rihanna – This song was constantly playing during my break. From Monday through Friday, I had this blasting the whole time. It inspires me to continue on, even if I’m hot and sweating. It pumps me up and has a great beat. The beat is very infectious and it is interesting to note that I don’t know all of the words to the song. I usually just bounce to it and enjoy the music that it produces.

2.      Dear Evan Hansen Cast Recording – On top of Rihanna, this cast recording was on constant repeat in my apartment. The musical deals with human connection and the feeling of depression and loneliness. It is a modern musical and relevant to today’s society. The soundtrack is incredible and evokes all your feelings. My favorite song from the soundtrack is Sincerely Me. This song is smack dab in the middle of the first act and revolves around Evan creating a fake friendship with a fellow student, Connor Murphy. The whole song is the emails he wrote back and forth to himself. It’s upbeat and always puts me in a good mood.

3.      How Far I’ll Go from the Moana soundtrack – This song is a great ballad/upbeat song that makes you want to sing. It is from the latest Disney animated movie and deals with what to do and whether to follow your heart or your head. It’s a beautiful piece and I love belting it in my apartment.

4.      Believe from the cast album of Finding Neverland – This recording is just amazing. All the songs are enjoyable and Believe brings up memories of making stories up and playing around in the park when I was younger. The song is all about taking the real world and twisting it into your own fantasy. I love this philosophy and I try to do just that everywhere I go. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but the power to take reality and turn it into fantasy is amusing and relaxing.

My Spring Break was filled with a lot of nothing but with my music, I could be transported anywhere I imagined. My music is a big reflection of my life; I am a musical theatre lover and junkie and I love listening to any and all soundtracks.

Music gives all of us a great outlet to show our emotions or to express what we are doing through song. From the songs that I listened to, could you tell what I did over break?

1 comment:

  1. You are missing a few parts of the assignment. The Kerouac and more of what you did on Spring Break. Yes, you did address that a little at the end, but the playlist is more supposed to compliment that rather than the other way around.
