Monday, January 23, 2017

A trip up the road

One misconception regarding traveling is that an individual has to go out of the country in order for them to count it as travel. Well folks, you don't even have to leave the state that you live in order to travel. Traveling consists of going from point A to point B and enjoying the ride there and the destination. Recently, I had the chance to travel to the Scottsdale's Old Town Farmers Market. I had an exquisite time and enjoyed seeing and smelling all the delicious food that was on sale.
I started off by leaving my apartment around 7:30 and hopping on a bus to leave north towards Scottsdale. The ride was boring as there weren't many people on the bus;it's a fairly easy route to get to Old Town Scottsdale, so I quickly fell asleep. Luckily, I woke up with only two stops before my own.
Once I arrived, I stepped off the bus into the cool, crisp air. I immediately started to shiver as the morning air wrapped itself around me. I headed towards the inner section of Old Town Scottsdale looking for the market. Without too much hesitation and trouble, I approached the market and, with a quick breath, I entered the area.
The market was grand with many tents and signs all claiming to have the best food out there. Many tents included samples that individuals could try and enjoy as they walked around the parking lot. The main section of the market included many industrial sized bins full of fruit and vegetables. The bins utilized around 4 full tents just to cover and shield everything from any weather that may occur. Most of everything in the market was marked with different signs to describe what the consumer was looking at. It was astounding to see how many gluten free and/or organic foods there are; they seemed to be around every turn.
The people that roamed the market were mostly couples. They seemed to be getting cheap groceries for the week ahead or stocking up on their favorite vegetables or fruits. It wasn't uncommon to stumble upon a couple with a baby in a baby bjorn or to see a dog hobbling around on all fours. This market truly seemed to be for everyone and every species.
After spending the good part of an hour floating around the market and writing down my observations, it was time for me to start hitting the road. I took a few photos of different places around the market and even tried some bread samples. I passed by the check out area to quickly see how everything was managed by the market workers. All the registers were manually operated and used a scale in order to properly charge the consumer.

After exiting the market, I headed back to the bus stop located at Civic Center Blvd. and 2nd St. I hopped on the next bus available and made my way back to Tempe.
I had a great experience taking a mini trip over to the Old Town Farmers Market. This activity acquainted me with local venders and many delicious options for healthy foods. I look forward to venturing up there again to actually buy groceries.
Until next time, I'll leave you with a quote from Hans Christian Andersen.
"To Travel Is To Live."